Imagine having an original Ralph Lauren jacket for only Php100 or a DKNY white shoulder bag for only Php80. Plus a pile of several other designer brands (Prada, Fendi, LV) for only Php200-500.
My last trip to Baguio was almost eight years ago and the ukay ukay strip has just grown bigger. And even with SM Baguio now, tourists still flock the ukay ukay stores. You can find good bargain from clothes to bags, shoes and now even home items and toys.
I was overwhelmed with my shopping that I forgot to take some pictures. But really, if you plan to go to Baguio and you love digging around clothes, make sure to add Ukay ukay shopping on your To Do list!
I was overwhelmed with my shopping that I forgot to take some pictures. But really, if you plan to go to Baguio and you love digging around clothes, make sure to add Ukay ukay shopping on your To Do list!
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