Thursday, March 19, 2009

I feel sick already!

Last weekend, my dad announced at dinner, "Pack up your things kids! We'll go to Baguio!".

While the whole family is thrilled and excited for this trip, I don't feel a pressing desire to travel to the mountains again.

I mean, I love meeting new people and exploring our country but I guess I'm just naturally prone to motion sickness. Sea sickness. Car sickness. Air sickness. Elevator Sickness. Amusement Ride Sickness.


Whatever they call it, I have it and I hate it.

Just the mere thought of going to Baguio makes me dizzy and nauseous already. No kidding!

As a child, I couldn't remember any Baguio trip without me doing the technicolor yawn. My family tried a couple of things to help me ease the pain. Granny usually rub a drop of eucalyptus oil under my tiny nose. Mom suggested I look outside the window and breathe the fresh air. Dad preferred that I just sleep. All of which, I tried politely but still the inevitable for me happens. So after some time, they were all raising the white flag in my battle with motion sickness and decided to just bring plastic bags or brown bags for my "throw up time".

It starts with a headache, then a queasy stomach. Soon I'd turn green and clammy. The worst part is that even after vomiting, I still feel unwell and miserable.

My US trip in 2005 was around 20 hours. So yes, I was throwing up for the entire trip - 20 hours. Beat that! My bosses were taking me to the nearest hospital the moment they saw how terrible I look in Jacksonville airport. I assured them I just need a quiet, comfortable room where I can rest for a while.

I was reminiscing these horrible travel stories with Gilbert last night. He was laughing hysterically at first and later on, told me it's merely a childhood fear and that I have to overcome it.

I'm still undecided if I'll travel to Baguio with my family tomorrow. But what I'm sure is that I'll be missing out a lot of fun just because I worry about being sick.


  1. thanks for follow me , u blog are so nice :)

  2. @ Solo - thanks for dropping by! don't worry, the trip wasn't that bad... i'll tell you more on my next post =)

    @ Mika - love your photos! thanks for dropping by too =D

  3. Jo,

    I think mami Ed's son has the same problem. Long or short travels, he would throw up which is why mami Eds would always ready a plastic bag.


It's nice of you to drop by. I'd love to read your comments.