Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Giving Yoga Another Chance

I've always been fascinated with the art of dancing and science of yoga. The discipline and artfully orchestrated movements of the yogis are remarkable if not inconceivable. Way back in college, I bought a beginner yoga book. I read it only for a few weeks and I realized it has been collecting dust in my book shelf since then. My brother gave me a yoga mat few years ago as a Christmas present. Squeezed between a wall and closet, it has never been used nor unrolled. Thanks to my dependable Cosmo planner, I was once again urged to fulfill my deferred desire for Yoga.

I surfed the net to confirm some of its proven benefits. Surprisingly, this unique practice pays off not only my physical agility (which I badly need), mindfulness, or spiritual openness but more so it could rev up my "love bed batteries". No wonder yoga enthusiasts always seem so euphoric. They are more in harmony with their own mind and body, making them a better partner.

Following basic moves a few times this week might work for my new, thrilling adventure.

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