January - What a charmed way to start the year as my first niece was born - Joaquin Afridel Cay Roque. We call her Quintin or Prinsesita (Tagalog word for little princess).

February - I finally got my own ride - Bruce. It's a Honda esi 95 model and Gilbert bought it second hand from a good pal, Alek.

March - After several years of amortization, we got our Land Title for the lots Gilbert and I purchased in 2002. At the same month, my brother Ejae and pretty sister-in-law Princess officially pledged to love one another in the sacrament of Matrimony. Hooray!

April - It was my birthday! More to that, the whole family spent an adventurous summer in Subic Island Cove, Zoobic Safari).

May - Gilbert's high-spirited family visited us for a gathering in one of Pampanga's swimming resorts. We celebrated my dear mother-in-law's 64th birthday.

June - Luck is on our side as we celebrated a Holy Mass and met the Healing Priest, Among Fernando Suarez.

July - Gilbert's birthday! I also had a chance to file for a voluntary time-off from work.

August - It's detox time from our busy lives. We took a day off and spent an overnight stay at Hotel Vida (Managed by Fuego Hotels and Properties). I was offered a reasonable Junior Suite package from the visually stunning tavern. So our 08-08-08 story was all about our Hotel Vida experience - from the cozy ambiance to the great staff service.

September - Wanting a more inspiring activity, we trekked Pampanga and journeyed to the Seven Churches.
1. Sta. Monica Parish Church, Minalin
2. Metropolitan Cathedral of San Fernando
3. St. Augustine Parish Church, Lubao
4. Immaculate Concepcion Parish, Guagua
5. San Guillermo Parish Church, Bacolor
6. St James Parish Church, Betis
7. Holy Rosary Parish Church, Angeles City

October - Together with good friends, Helen and Roel, we invaded Tagaytay City and Enchanted Kingdom for a weekend escapade.

November - With the help of our ever reliable carpenter, Kuya Bong, we had a temporary fence on our Holy Angel Village lot.

December - After ten long years of relationship, our close friends - Inna and Armand - finally tied the knot. It was a funny, romantic, coffee themed wedding.

Dwelling lovingly on each memory assures me that God has not given up on me. He was standing right next to me all throughout the year with His infinite love. To this day, I am surrounded with colleagues turned best friends, supportive families, and a loving better half.
I'll let this wonderful thought sink deep into my spirit.
Now I'm ready to welcome 2009.
I so miss you, Tita Tet. Reading this has made me misty eyed.