The party kicked off with the Hot Cucumber game. At the start of the music, the goal is to pass the cucumber from between their legs to the next person to their left or right - but using only their legs. When the music stops, the person left with the cucumber between their legs will answer a question like Do you view sex as an emotional feeling or a duty, why?, Which do you think is important: performance or size, why?, and Have you ever been caught doing something naughty?
After learning a little about my friends' secrets, we proceeded to the second kinky game. The group was divided into two and each group should arrange (or should I say disarrange) an assigned room. The concept is "How will the couple's room look like after their honeymoon?" One group prepared a short skit depicting the couple's bed scene while the other group explained every funny detail of their room.
We took a quick break after a laughing session with the previous game. When everyone is eager for more fun, we proceeded to the third sexy, mind game. Still in two groups, they should come up with a complete sentence or thought about a given topic. Each group member is allowed to say only one word. The group who could come up spontaneously with a complete thought earns a point. The topics were:
1. Describe what the bride was wearing during their honeymoon.
2. Describe the bride's hair after their honeymoon.
3. Explain what the groom whispered to the bride after the honeymoon.
I can hear the walls shaking with tons of laughter and screams with this game. The last game was strictly for ladies. I gave them rolls of huge papers (flip charts) and masking tapes and their goal is to shape or form the paper into the best male anatomy. A friend who is almost four months pregnant won the game.
Then at late night, we started chatting, dancing and drinking. Funny how our discussion always turns to the opposite sex and relationships. We talked about why men cheat, why some women tolerate cheating men, what makes a marriage strong and more about families. We shared funny first kiss stories and showed the bride-to-be that she has our support. It was indeed a comfortable, memorable time with everyone laughing and worth reminiscing for the years to come.
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